@techreport{Oepen:01, author = {Stephan Oepen}, title = {{\sf \lbrack incr tsdb()\rbrack} --- Competence and Performance Laboratory. {U}ser Manual}, institution = {Computational Linguistics, Saarland University}, type = {Technical Report}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany}, year = 2001, note = {in preparation} } @inproceedings{Oep:Car:00b, author = {Stephan Oepen and John Carroll}, title = {Ambiguity Packing in Constraint-based Parsing. {P}ractical Results}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st {C}onference of the {N}orth {A}merican {C}hapter of the {ACL}}, address = {Seattle, WA}, pages = {162$\,$--$\,$169}, year = 2000 } @article{Oep:Car:00a, author = {Stephan Oepen and John Carroll}, title = {Performance Profiling for Parser Engineering}, journal = {Natural Language Engineering}, editor = {Flickinger, Dan and Oepen, Stephan and Tsujii, Jun-ichi and Uszkoreit, Hans}, volume = {6 (1) ({S}pecial Issue on Efficient Processing with {HPSG})}, pages = {81$\,$--$\,$97}, year = 2000 } @inproceedings{Oep:Cal:00, author = {Stephan Oepen and Ulrich Callmeier}, title = {Measure for Measure:\ {P}arser Cross-Fertilization. {T}owards Increased Component Comparability and Exchange}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th {I}nternational {P}arsing {T}echnology {W}workshop}, address = {Trento, Italy}, pages = {183$\,$--$\,$194}, year = 2000 } @article{Oep:Fli:98, author = {Stephan Oepen and Daniel P. Flickinger}, title = {Towards Systematic Grammar Profiling. {T}est Suite Technology Ten Years After}, editor = {Robert Gaizauskas}, journal = {Journal of Computer Speech and Language}, volume = {12 \# 4 (Special Issue on Evaluation)}, year = 1998, pages = {411$\,$--$\,$436} } @incollection{Oep:Net:Kle:97, editor = {John Nerbonne}, booktitle = {Linguistic Databases}, author = {Stephan Oepen and Klaus Netter and Judith Klein}, title = {{TSNLP} --- {T}est {S}uites for {N}atural {L}anguage {P}rocessing}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford, CA}, pages = {13$\,$--$\,$36}, year = 1997 }